Saturday, April 28, 2012

Cervical Cancer Vaccinations

I have had so many people ask me, did you receive the cervical cancer vaccination? Well the answer is Yes ... I did! So I bet your wondering how I developed cervical cancer?  Well this was one of the first questions I had for my gynaecologist when my original colposcopy and biopsy revealed I had a high grade glandular lesion.  

Vaccinations against cervical cancer 

Basically there are two cervical cancer vaccines - Gardasil and Ceravix which guard against approximately 70% of the infections that can cause cervical cancer.  I received the Gardasil vaccine in High School.  Gardasil protects against two of the cancer-causing strains of human papillomavirus (HPV) and two that are responsible for causing genital warts.  

My gynaecologist went on to tell me that although I had been vaccinated, if I was sexually active prior to receiving the Gardasil vaccination (which I was) that I may have already come into contact with the HPV virus and that the vaccination for that strain would essentially not work.  However, this doesn't mean that you shouldn't get vaccinated if you are already sexually active! It would be unlikely that you would have been exposed to all the types of HPV the vaccine guards against, so it can still protect you  from those viruses that you have not yet been exposed to.  So LADIES MAKE SURE YOU GET YOUR VACCINATIONS!!!! 

The Australian Cervical Cancer Foundation has a website which provides a lot of useful information regarding HPV virus, preventing cervical cancer and the vaccinations available.  Please have a look and inform yourself before it is too late! 

Please like my Facebook page MyLifeMyStoryMyExperience and continue to share my Blog! 

Chelsea x x x

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Why I am blogging

This year was supposed to be one of the happiest years of my life! Graduation was just around the corner and I was looking forward to starting my career as a lawyer and beginning the next stage of my life.  At 23 years of age you never expect that you would get diagnosed with cancer, let alone go through every emotion possible because there is a chance you might never have your own children.  

I was recently diagnosed with Stage 1B1 adenocarcinoma of the cervix (a type of cervical cancer).  Since this time my life has been one roller coaster of emotions.  I am hoping that by writing this blog I can inform and educate people of the unimaginable and help everyone to understand what it is I have been going through these past few months and to help make the next few months that little bit easier.  

Stay tuned for my story! 

Chelsea x x x